rose porcelain中文什么意思

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  1. Different kinds of porcelain wares , we will help you to get acquainted with jingdezhen ' s “ the colorful famile - rose porcelain ” , “ the elegant blue and white porcelain ” , “ the delicate and transparent rice pattern porcelain ” , “ the exquisite egg - shell porcelain ” , “ the brilliant colored glaze porcelain ” and “ the vivid sculpture porcelain ”
    各种瓷器中,我们将帮助您了解江西景德镇“色彩绚丽的粉彩瓷” “典雅素静的青花瓷” “明净剔透的玲珑瓷” “精美轻巧的薄胎瓷” “五彩滨纷的颜色釉瓷” “栩栩如生的雕塑瓷” 。


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